After months of frustration with my bank I finally got round to popping in at one of its branches to sort out the matter. As I crossed the street I noticed a lady standing just left of the door, body language clearly indicating that she was a bit frustrated. Being the “reserved” fellow my mother raised me to be, I just walked past her minding my own business. Approaching the doors at about 1.5 metres away they opened for me to enter. As I walked down the mall on my way to the banks entrance, the lady walks up to me, grabs me by the arm and gently with a shy smile says “Thank you”. She then ever so shyly smiles and says to me, “I thought the mall is closed today”. It was then that I realised the lady was waiting outside for the doors to open, not realising it was an automated door she waited it out. She was most probably to afraid, proud, uncertain or confused to ask anyone for help, hence decided to wait.
Life’s Good Moment
Many times in life we stand so close to our open door but then allow fear, pride or uncertainty to keep us from reaching our destinations. We choose to wait on someone else to help us come open the doors that we can open ourselves. Let us not be afraid of taking bold steps in life, Yes we might have to bump our heads and embarrass ourselves while at it, but at least a lesson shall be learnt by it. I was recently reminded of how unnecessary and stressful it is to suffer in silence. So today, let us make a conscious decision to live life, dare, ask, take risk and try something new. Life’s Good
1 comment:
shame poor aunty broe.
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